Khorne is an outward acting deity, seeking the death of others he is opposed by Slaanesh, who acts inwardly, seeking the pleasure of all experiences (including that of killing). While these selfish gods distrust each other and in-fighting is common, each is also diametrically opposed by one of the other gods. Tzeentch - god of change, manipulation, scheming and sorcery Slaanesh - god of decadence, excess, sex, pleasure and self-indulgence Nurgle - god of decay, despair, destruction, and disease Khorne - god of hate, blood, rage, war and killing The names and aspects of these four great gods are: The four great gods are often used as antagonists in their respective settings, frequently sparking great wars against other factions with the aim of gaining total domination over the entire setting. The gods are portrayed as capricious, selfish and vain, demanding absolute loyalty from their servants and rewarding deeds when they wish, in whatever ways they deem appropriate.Ĭurrent background material for both settings still state that there are many Chaos Gods, but the idea that there are four which are significantly more powerful than the rest is still there. They would do this by attracting followers amongst mortals by promising power, wealth, immortality or whatever else the potential servant desires. These Chaos Gods were described as being enormously powerful, and were constantly seeking to extend their power into the real world, the realm of mortals. To date these are the most detailed and defining pieces of work published by Games Workshop regarding Chaos. Chaos Gods, were first introduced in the two Realm of Chaos sourcebooks released 19 respectively.

The idea of "Four Great Powers of Chaos" i.e.

But it was never clearly explained how the fictional pantheon looked like. Many different Chaos Gods were named in the various early miniature catalogues released by Citadel in the early eighties. In this idea there is evidently a strong influence from the British fantasy writer Michael Moorcock.

The concept of Chaos Gods has been a more or less integral part of both Warhammer universes ever since they were first conceived.